Tagged as Ukraine

Publication: Misha Friedman in Foreign Policy

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

© Misha Friedman


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Maria Morina

Atomic cit­ies series is explor­ing social land­scapes of Ukrain­ian cit­ies that are involved in Nuc­lear Power pro­duc­tion chain.

Max Avdeev

Max Avdeev embeds with the rebel fight­ers known as the First Slavy­ansk Bri­gade in Logvinov to cap­ture the hor­rific sights of the conflict.

Oksana Yushko
love zone

Oksana Yushko has decided to focus her pro­ject on love that bonds Rus­sia and Ukraine together by pic­tur­ing Russian-Ukrainian couples from both countries.

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