Arseny Neskhodimov

Nowadays Hurghada looks for­saken. The num­ber of Rus­sian tour­ists dropped dra­mat­ic­ally because of devalu­ation of the Rus­sian cur­rency. Today the streets are empty and the whole city its an end­less con­struc­tion most of the pro­ject sites seem to be aban­doned forever in anti­cip­a­tion of the new dwellers.

Arseny Neskhodimov
Karaoke in Vietnam

Viet­namese prefer to have fun in karaoke. It’s come into fash­ion 15 years and now its essen­tial part of Viet­namese soci­ety. Nowadays build­ings with a sign «KARAOKE» can been seen every­where, even in tiny towns, where pop­u­la­tion 1000 people. In big cit­ies such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh num­bers of karaokes estim­ated in thousands.

Arseny Neskhodimov
The Third Gender

The pro­ject “The third gender” have been star­ted by pho­to­grapher Arseny Nesk­hodimov in Thai­l­and where trans­sexu­als (Katoeys –Thai name) are con­sidered to be a third gender. And now he con­tin­ues to develop it in Viet­nam, where trans­genders are not tol­er­ated by society.

Arseny Neskhodimov

Mass rally against the Decem­ber, 4th elec­tion fraud. Moscow. Russia

Arseny Neskhodimov
Flea market

Tra­di­tion­ally, flea mar­kets are an integ­ral part of urban cul­ture. The flea mar­ket in Moscow is almost a spon­tan­eous event, where the art­icles on sale are of strange nature and the trade is com­pletely disorganized.

Arseny Neskhodimov

Abkhazia 2009 — 2011

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