Tagged as portrait
Olga Kravets

Thou­sands of eth­nic Rus­si­ans con­vert to Islam annu­ally, accord­ing to the mem­bers of the Mufti Coun­cil of Rus­sia. Con­cerned with the idea of pro­tec­tion of the Rus­sian (mean­ing – Ortho­dox) iden­tity, the gov­ern­ment launched a sys­tem of per­se­cu­tion of the con­verts, brand­ing them as ter­ror­ists. Many of them flee, but the Rus­sian secret ser­vices try to hunt them down even abroad, and for­eign coun­tries treat them with suspicion.

Egor Tsvetkov
Your face is a big data

The sur­veil­lance tools are no longer a priv­ilege of national secur­it­ies and cor­por­ate data min­ing. It was only a mat­ter of time for tech­no­logy to develop to a point when it would become avail­able for vir­tu­ally anyone.

Elena Anosova

Elena Anosova spent 2 months liv­ing and work­ing in three Rus­sian female penal colon­ies, explor­ing the inner world of the inmates based on her own child­hood exper­i­ences of liv­ing in a closed rehab­il­it­a­tion school. The res­ult is a strik­ing series called ‘Sec­tion’ that reveals how being in con­fine­ment and under con­stant sur­veil­lance dis­fig­ures and trau­mat­ize a person.

Konstantin Salomatin

In Tajikistan, live swirls around wed­dings. In the coun­try, where 47.2% live below the poverty threshold, and 80% of the employ­able pop­u­la­tion work abroad as labour migrants, the amount of money spent on wed­dings per year equals the country’s budget of $2 billion.

Lilia Li-Mi-Yan
Masters and servants

In rich houses Ser­vice Per­son­nel such as maids, but­lers, cooks and garden­ers have been work­ing at all times. All those pro­fes­sions took their places in world ser­vice industry, but in Rus­sia those pro­fes­sions are still second qual­ity occupations.

Oksana Yushko
love zone

Oksana Yushko has decided to focus her pro­ject on love that bonds Rus­sia and Ukraine together by pic­tur­ing Russian-Ukrainian couples from both countries.

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