Ed Thompson
England ‘till I die’

In 2009, Stephen Len­non A.K.A Tommy Robin­son estab­lished the Eng­lish Defense League (E.D.L). Its aim is to stop rad­ical Islam’s influ­ence in the UK.

Ed Thompson
The Village. Photographs on Infrared colour film of Englands most haunted village.

The first series of the pro­ject “The Invis­ible” focuses on using infrared films abil­ity to pho­to­graph on the higher end of the visual spec­trum in an attempt to pho­to­graph ghosts in the most haunted vil­lage in England.

Ed Thompson

On the 15th of Octo­ber 2011 a num­ber of people from diverse back­grounds and ideo­lo­gies came together to dis­pute the cul­ture of greed that exists in the cur­rent fin­an­cial sys­tem. They are part of a global move­ment that is cur­rently ‘Occupy­ing’ over a 1000 cit­ies world­wide, most fam­ously, Occupy Wall Street.

Ed Thompson

In the county of Kent: the Garden of Eng­land, a num­ber of people live in a national nature reserve. The only real catch is that at night there is a sus­tained hum­ming mur­mur from the two Nuc­lear Power Station’s that are loc­ated just two hun­dred meters away.

Ed Thompson

Thou­sand Hills Cow­boy Church. Loc­ated in the remote Texas Hill Coun­try, the entrance, an ornate tra­di­tional Texan metal sign, frames a dirt road that leads you past a single wooden cross to a large steel barn.

Ed Thompson
24. Re-Home Series. Julia Stephenson with her rooftop hens.

In 2012 European laws will be imple­men­ted to stop the caged bat­tery farm­ing of hens, with over 16 mil­lion hens cur­rently in bat­tery farms in UK and around 225 mil­lion in Europe, this will lead to envir­on­mental and eco­nomic implic­a­tions worldwide.

Ed Thompson
(c) Ed Thompson

In Lon­don, Eng­land there is a vibrant under­ground retro-social scene, its mem­bers come from all walks of life, many of them always liv­ing the vin­tage lifestyle.

Ed Thompson
24 Transition Town

Tot­nes is a mar­ket town at the head of the estu­ary of the River Dart in Devon, Eng­land. It has a siz­able alternative/new age com­munity, and is known as a place where one can live a bohemian lifestyle.

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