Nikita Shokhov
Night life in Moscow

Moscow is fam­ous for being the world’s new night­life cap­ital. The hot­test nights? The best look­ing girls? The strongest drinks? It’s all here!

Olga Kravets
Occupy Abay

It was a very strange day in Moscow, May 6 2012. I came to pho­to­graph the oppos­i­tion “rally of mil­lions” in down­town Moscow. It was hap­pen­ing just a day before Putin’s come back to power and nobody really expec­ted any police violence.

Max Streltsov

Pussy Riot’s Punk Pro­test­ers Get Two Years in Prison for ‘Hoo­ligan­ism’. August 17, 2012

Varvara Lozenko

Izborsk is a large vil­lage in the North-West of Rus­sia, some 30 km away from the European bor­der. Foun­ded as a for­ti­fied city 1250 years ago, it seems to have stuck in the Middle Ages.

Oksana Yushko
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Behind the scenes and the rehearsal of an opera “Ruslan and Lyud­m­ila” at Bolshoi Theater, led by prize-winning dir­ector and set designer Dmitry Tcherniakov.

Valeri Nistratov
don giovanni

Behind the scenes and the rehearsal of an opera “Don Gio­vanni” at Bolshoi Theater, led by Greek con­ductor Teodor Kourentzis and prize-winning dir­ector Dmitry Tcherniakov.

Max Streltsov
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Sunday’s demon­stra­tion, a day before the inaug­ur­a­tion, drew at least 20,000 people. It began peace­fully but the situ­ation became chaotic when pro­test­ers tried to break through a column of riot police officers. The res­ult was a pro­longed confrontation.

Nikita Shokhov

On Sunday May 7th, 2012 Vladi­mir Putin has been inaug­ur­ated as pres­id­ent of Rus­sia in a lav­ish cere­mony in the cap­ital of Moscow. This day, thou­sands of pro­test­ers opposed to the inaug­ur­a­tion clashed with police in Moscow. The art pro­ject by pho­to­grapher Nikita Shok­hov brings Putin wan­der­ing in streets of Moscow after being kicked out of the Kremlin.

Roberta Valerio

At last, cinema casts light on the raped women of Bos­nia dur­ing con­flict in ex-Yugoslavia, thanks to the first movie dir­ec­ted by Angelina Jolie « In the land of blood and honey”. It is time to tell about these women: between 20000 and 30000 vic­tims have been raped dur­ing the con­flict, in the eyes of a help­less European community.

Fyodor Savintsev

Alexei Kozlov is a prom­in­ent Rus­sian busi­ness­man, believed by human rights groups to have suffered from a con­spir­acy to expro­pri­ate his prop­erty, was jailed again for five years.

Alexandra Nguyen

Pussy Riot is a Rus­sian fem­in­ist punk-rock col­lect­ive that stages illegal protests in Moscow, on sub­jects such as the status of women in Rus­sia, and most recently against the elec­tion cam­paign of Prime Min­is­ter Vladi­mir Putin for pres­id­ent of Russia.

Varvara Lozenko

Protests For Fair Elec­tions hold places last months in Rus­sia. And after the elec­tion at March, 4th the cer­tainty sur­round­ing Vladi­mir Putin’s pres­id­en­tial vic­tory has once again led to wide­spread alleg­a­tions that the vote was a fix.

Maja Daniels

Mon­ette and Mady are identical twins. They have lived their whole life closely together and are, as they say, inseparable.

Igor Starkov

Dur­ing the last few months Rus­sia has fig­ur­at­ively become a kind of zoo or jungle full of anim­als of all kinds. Even Prime min­is­ter Vladi­mir Putin quotes Rud­y­ard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” speak­ing as a python Kaa from the first person.

Semen Katz

Com­mune is an inten­tional com­munity of people liv­ing together, shar­ing com­mon interests, prop­erty, pos­ses­sions, and, in some com­munes, work and income. Pho­to­grapher Semen Katz found most inter­est­ing ones in Moscow — eco-commune, com­mune of journ­al­ists, artists, teach­ers and ect.

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