Misha Friedman
A dress rehearsal.

Back­stage in Bolshoi Theatre. Bolshoi dan­cers are pre­par­ing for a reg­u­lar per­form­ance of romantic Coppélia

Oksana Yushko
Balaklava: The Lost History

Bal­ak­lava is a small town by the sea in the Crimean Pen­in­sula, Ukraine. Dur­ing the Soviet era, it was a city that didn’t exist to the out­side world. The town closed to the pub­lic for more than 30 years due to the sub­mar­ine base that was situ­ated there.

Julia Lisnyak
Punks not dead

For the last few years I have been fol­low­ing the punk com­munity in St.Petersburg. One would say that punks look the same every­where, but in today’s Rus­sia being dif­fer­ent in any way takes a lot of cour­age. Unfor­tu­nately, recently St.Petersburg has become a cen­ter of this bigotry.

Andras Fekete
Protest in Moscow after Navalny Conviction

People protest against the court ver­dict sen­ten­cing Rus­sian oppos­i­tion leader Alexei Navalny to 5 years in jail.

Olga Kravets
Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechnya

The pho­to­grapher Olga Kravets star­ted work­ing in Chechnya in 2009 with a col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject explor­ing the after­math of war in its cap­ital. In 2013 she decided to go bey­ond the city bound­ar­ies and show the whole repub­lic under the ubi­quit­ous power of its author­it­arian leader

Konstantin Salomatin
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Cos­sack mil­it­ary school near Vol­go­grad (nearly 1,000km south-east of Moscow). Some 30 mil­it­ary schools, such as the one in Vol­go­grad, have opened in the country.

Lyudmila Zinchenko
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The Rus­sian State lib­rary was foun­ded in 1862, as Moscow’s first free pub­lic lib­rary named The Lib­rary of the Moscow Pub­lic Museum. In 2013 the lib­rary cel­eb­rates 150 years of history.

Alexey Tikhonov
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In 2012 legis­lat­ors of St.Petersburg came up with “ahead of the times” his­tor­ical input — anti-gay legis­la­tion, ban­ning any read­ing, writ­ing, speech or debate on any­thing “gay”. The law’s con­tent is vague – it crim­in­al­izes “pub­lic action aimed at pro­pa­gand­iz­ing sod­omy, les­bi­an­ism, bisexu­al­ism, and trans­gen­der­ism among minors”.

Guia Besana
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This pro­ject, titled BABY BLUES, explores the emo­tional and con­flic­ted world women exper­i­ence dur­ing moth­er­hood through a pro­cess of sta­ging and sym­bolic rep­res­ent­a­tion of truth.

Nikita Shokhov
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Out­spoken skep­ti­cism towards the church is no sur­prise in Rus­sia today. Many true believ­ers aban­doned churches. But around 35,000 pil­grims­from all over the coun­try par­ti­cip­ated in the Velikoret­sky Pro­ces­sion of the Cross, held annu­ally in the Kirov Oblast, Rus­sia, 2012

Nikita Shokhov

New year is the biggest hol­i­day in Rus­sian cul­ture. We often say: “The way you spend New Year’s Eve is the way you will spend the rest of the year”

Guia Besana

Due to the eco­nomic crisis the real estate ped­dlers have tar­geted the region of Cotaca­chi in Ecuador as a next para­dise to develop for who want to retire at a low cost of life and recre­ate their american-style life there.

Igor Starkov

Sergei Udalt­sov, a 35-year-old rad­ical leftwinger who has helped spear­head the mass protests that have rocked Moscow since late last year, is being invest­ig­ated for pro­vok­ing mass unrest around Rus­sia, said Russia’s invest­ig­at­ive committee.

Ed Thompson
The Village. Photographs on Infrared colour film of Englands most haunted village.

The first series of the pro­ject “The Invis­ible” focuses on using infrared films abil­ity to pho­to­graph on the higher end of the visual spec­trum in an attempt to pho­to­graph ghosts in the most haunted vil­lage in England.

Nikita Shokhov

Empty Hills (Pustye Kholmi) or the Rus­sian Wood­stock, largest open-air non-commercial fest­ival of altern­at­ive music and arts, which is held annu­ally in sum­mer in Kaluga region.

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