Features (not including available for Russia and CIS only)
Varvara Lozenko
320 Icelanders

Pho­to­grapher Var­vara Lozenko ques­tioned a num­ber of Icelanders why they think their coun­try is so dif­fer­ent from any other places. The most com­mon answer was ‘Because we are so few ” So she decided to pho­to­graph 320 Icelanders by the num­ber of thou­sands of the country’s pop­u­la­tion. Every por­trait stands for 1000 people.

Varvara Lozenko

Izborsk is a large vil­lage in the North-West of Rus­sia, some 30 km away from the European bor­der. Foun­ded as a for­ti­fied city 1250 years ago, it seems to have stuck in the Middle Ages.

Varvara Lozenko

Protests For Fair Elec­tions hold places last months in Rus­sia. And after the elec­tion at March, 4th the cer­tainty sur­round­ing Vladi­mir Putin’s pres­id­en­tial vic­tory has once again led to wide­spread alleg­a­tions that the vote was a fix.

Varvara Lozenko

Most of the Rus­si­ans were born in USSR, the coun­try that exists only in our memory. There is a num­ber of objects which bring this memory back. Com­mun­ism which pro­claimed “equal” oppor­tun­it­ies for all the people, didn’t give them much choice in terms of food, clothes, design, fash­ion and objects of every­day life. Here is the recon­struc­tion of Soviet still-life. (For Le Monde magazine)

Varvara Lozenko

VDNKh is a park in north­w­est Moscow. It occu­pies 2,375,000 square meters which is greater than ter­rit­ory of the Prin­cip­al­ity of Monaco. It houses more than 80 pavil­ions and monu­ments ori­gin­ally designed to show­case the achieve­ments of the USSR.

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