Features (not including available for Russia and CIS only)
Nikita Shokhov
Gosha Rubchinsky

For the first time since 2008 Rus­sian fash­ion designer Gosha Rubch­in­skiy presen­ted his run­way show in his home coun­try, on Janu­ary 12, 2017. He chose the small city of Kalin­in­grad, on the Baltic sea. It was the first of a series of shows and events linked to the Rubch­in­skiy Adi­das collaboration.

Nikita Shokhov

Bolo­goe is a town in Tver region, Rus­sia. It is a major rail­way hub loc­ated just half-way between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Nikita Shokhov

Utrish is a small place near the Black sea,Russia. It is a national park. In the early 60s it became one of the favor­ite resorts for nud­ists in Soviet Union and has been wor­shiped ever since. Thou­sands of Rus­si­ans and Ukrain­i­ans come to Utrish every year.

Nikita Shokhov
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Out­spoken skep­ti­cism towards the church is no sur­prise in Rus­sia today. Many true believ­ers aban­doned churches. But around 35,000 pil­grims­from all over the coun­try par­ti­cip­ated in the Velikoret­sky Pro­ces­sion of the Cross, held annu­ally in the Kirov Oblast, Rus­sia, 2012

Nikita Shokhov

New year is the biggest hol­i­day in Rus­sian cul­ture. We often say: “The way you spend New Year’s Eve is the way you will spend the rest of the year”

Nikita Shokhov

Empty Hills (Pustye Kholmi) or the Rus­sian Wood­stock, largest open-air non-commercial fest­ival of altern­at­ive music and arts, which is held annu­ally in sum­mer in Kaluga region.

Nikita Shokhov
Night life in Moscow

Moscow is fam­ous for being the world’s new night­life cap­ital. The hot­test nights? The best look­ing girls? The strongest drinks? It’s all here!

Nikita Shokhov

On Sunday May 7th, 2012 Vladi­mir Putin has been inaug­ur­ated as pres­id­ent of Rus­sia in a lav­ish cere­mony in the cap­ital of Moscow. This day, thou­sands of pro­test­ers opposed to the inaug­ur­a­tion clashed with police in Moscow. The art pro­ject by pho­to­grapher Nikita Shok­hov brings Putin wan­der­ing in streets of Moscow after being kicked out of the Kremlin.

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