Features (not including available for Russia and CIS only)
Anastasia Tsayder

Foun­ded in 2008 by Dasha Zhukova, the insti­tu­tion is cur­rently based in a tem­por­ary pavil­ion in Gorky Park cre­ated spe­cific­ally for Gar­age by archi­tect Shi­geru Ban. In June 2015, the Museum will move to its first per­man­ent home — a ground­break­ing renov­a­tion of the fam­ous 1960s Vremena Goda (Sea­sons of the Year) pavil­ion in Gorky Park — designed by Rem Koolhaas.

Anastasia Tsayder

For pho­to­grapher Ana­stasia Tsay­der, return­ing to a small vil­lage in rural Rus­sia in 2013 brought a rush of child­hood memories.

Anastasia Tsayder
Olympic Games 1980

Up until very recently the word Olympics in Rus­sia has mainly asso­ci­ated with the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The games had a largely sym­bolic mean­ing aimed to prove the superi­or­ity of Social­ist regime. Most build­ings were designed in 1975–1978, a period still marked with optim­ism and hopes for a bright future.

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