Features (not including available for Russia and CIS only)


Varvara Lozenko

Published on 17/08/12

© Var­vara Lozenko

Izborsk is a large vil­lage in the North-West of Rus­sia, some 30 km away from the European bor­der. Foun­ded as a for­ti­fied city 1250 years ago, it seems to have stuck in the Middle Ages. There is no run­ning water in the houses, no cent­ral heat­ing or gas. The houses are heated the same way as 500 years ago — by burn­ing wood. The fort­ress that in the past stood many a battle is con­duct­ing a undeclared war against mod­ern tech­no­logy, in part con­sciously, in part not.

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