In March 2014, Russia’s annexation of Crimea topped all the news. Mikhail Mordasov captured daily life and the transformation of Crimea during last year.
The forest is full of secrets and contradictions. Russian forest and it’s image in numerous classical artworks has been a part of national cultural DNA for centuries.
Denis Sinyakov filmed Lars Vilks’ daily routine in Linköping where he lectured at local University and was interviewed by HS journalists. The security guards followed him everywhere during shooting.
Career of a sportsman lasts 5–15 years, after that you’re a dusty scratchy negative in a useless archive. Collages from this project are my attempt to give a second chance for both of them.
Max Avdeev embeds with the rebel fighters known as the First Slavyansk Brigade in Logvinov to capture the horrific sights of the conflict.
Oksana Yushko has decided to focus her project on love that bonds Russia and Ukraine together by picturing Russian-Ukrainian couples from both countries.
A soldier was proudly accompanying me, the holder of the “friendly” Russian press-card in the Damascus suburb of Sayyidah Zaynab that hosts one of the most important Shia shrines. He told me over lunch he was very happy about Russia becoming “a great, mighty country again”.
Driving up to the Barents seashore feels like heading to the middle of nowhere. Ironically, in winter the drive is much smoother and twice faster — flattened snow compensates 40 km of unpaved road.
Vietnamese prefer to have fun in karaoke. It’s come into fashion 15 years and now its essential part of Vietnamese society. Nowadays buildings with a sign «KARAOKE» can been seen everywhere, even in tiny towns, where population 1000 people. In big cities such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh numbers of karaokes estimated in thousands.
“Fathers” is a visual performance by Russian artist Maria Ionova-Gribina that explores how Russian men identify themselves through parenting. Childless young men are invited to be photographed without being informed about the theme.
Once the great trading routes from Northern Europe to Byzantium and the Middle ears ran through Novgorod and across Russia.
The project “The third gender” have been started by photographer Arseny Neskhodimov in Thailand where transsexuals (Katoeys –Thai name) are considered to be a third gender. And now he continues to develop it in Vietnam, where transgenders are not tolerated by society.
Beslan, North Ossetia.
The children who were held hostage in a Beslan school 10 years ago are already graduating from high school. Many are leaving to study in Moscow or St. Petersburg. All of them remember that September.
Bologoe is a town in Tver region, Russia. It is a major railway hub located just half-way between Moscow and St. Petersburg.