Mikhail Mordasov
A year in Crimea

In March 2014, Russia’s annex­a­tion of Crimea topped all the news. Mikhail Mor­dasov cap­tured daily life and the trans­form­a­tion of Crimea dur­ing last year.

Lyudmila Zinchenko
russian forest

The forest is full of secrets and con­tra­dic­tions. Rus­sian forest and it’s image in numer­ous clas­sical art­works has been a part of national cul­tural DNA for centuries.

Denis Sinyakov
Lars Vilks

Denis Sinyakov filmed Lars Vilks’ daily routine in Linköping where he lec­tured at local Uni­ver­sity and was inter­viewed by HS journ­al­ists. The secur­ity guards fol­lowed him every­where dur­ing shooting.

Andrey Lomakin
Forgotten Victories

Career of a sports­man lasts 5–15 years, after that you’re a dusty scratchy neg­at­ive in a use­less archive. Col­lages from this pro­ject are my attempt to give a second chance for both of them.

Max Avdeev

Max Avdeev embeds with the rebel fight­ers known as the First Slavy­ansk Bri­gade in Logvinov to cap­ture the hor­rific sights of the conflict.

Max Sher


Oksana Yushko
love zone

Oksana Yushko has decided to focus her pro­ject on love that bonds Rus­sia and Ukraine together by pic­tur­ing Russian-Ukrainian couples from both countries.

Olga Kravets
A Syrian Journal

A sol­dier was proudly accom­pa­ny­ing me, the holder of the “friendly” Rus­sian press-card in the Dam­as­cus sub­urb of Sayy­idah Zaynab that hosts one of the most import­ant Shia shrines. He told me over lunch he was very happy about Rus­sia becom­ing “a great, mighty coun­try again”.

Olga Kravets

Driv­ing up to the Bar­ents sea­shore feels like head­ing to the middle of nowhere. Iron­ic­ally, in winter the drive is much smoother and twice faster — flattened snow com­pensates 40 km of unpaved road.

Arseny Neskhodimov
Karaoke in Vietnam

Viet­namese prefer to have fun in karaoke. It’s come into fash­ion 15 years and now its essen­tial part of Viet­namese soci­ety. Nowadays build­ings with a sign «KARAOKE» can been seen every­where, even in tiny towns, where pop­u­la­tion 1000 people. In big cit­ies such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh num­bers of karaokes estim­ated in thousands.

Maria Ionova-Gribina

Fath­ers” is a visual per­form­ance by Rus­sian artist Maria Ionova-Gribina that explores how Rus­sian men identify them­selves through par­ent­ing. Child­less young men are invited to be pho­to­graphed without being informed about the theme.

Denis Sinyakov
On the Liquid Roads

Once the great trad­ing routes from North­ern Europe to Byz­an­tium and the Middle ears ran through Novgorod and across Russia.

Arseny Neskhodimov
The Third Gender

The pro­ject “The third gender” have been star­ted by pho­to­grapher Arseny Nesk­hodimov in Thai­l­and where trans­sexu­als (Katoeys –Thai name) are con­sidered to be a third gender. And now he con­tin­ues to develop it in Viet­nam, where trans­genders are not tol­er­ated by society.

Oksana Yushko

Beslan, North Osse­tia.
The chil­dren who were held host­age in a Beslan school 10 years ago are already gradu­at­ing from high school. Many are leav­ing to study in Moscow or St. Peters­burg. All of them remem­ber that September.

Nikita Shokhov

Bolo­goe is a town in Tver region, Rus­sia. It is a major rail­way hub loc­ated just half-way between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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