
Ivan and the Moon

Daria Tuminas

Published on 08/08/11

© Daria Tuminas

Ivan is the elder, he is 16.  Andrey, nick­named “Moon”, is the younger, 14 by now. The two broth­ers live in a dis­tant vil­lage in the north­ern Arkhangelsk area of Rus­sia. They are not like city teen­agers, with com­pletely dif­fer­ent moral val­ues and a fairy tale world inside: they go hunt­ing and fish­ing, can use a joiner’s chisel, play with ghosts at aban­doned places, do not want to move to a city, love nature… Mature and child­ish. Naive and enig­matic.  In this ongo­ing pro­ject I want to show the mys­ter­i­ous­ness of these broth­ers’ world.


© Daria Tuminas

© Daria Tuminas

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