

Davide Monteleone

Published on 06/08/11

© Dav­ide Monteleone

Ingush­etia is one of Russia’s poorest and most rest­ive regions. The ongo­ing mil­it­ary con­flict in neigh­bor­ing Chechnya has occa­sion­ally spilled into Ingush­etia, and the repub­lic has been destabil­ized by cor­rup­tion, a num­ber of high-profit crimes includ­ing kid­nap­ping and murder of civil­ians by gov­ern­ment secur­ity forces, anti-government protests, attacks on sol­diers and officers, Rus­sian mil­it­ary excesses and a deteri­or­at­ing human rights situation.

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