
The Never-Ending War

Martin Roemers

Published on 18/05/14

© Mar­tin Roemers

Fol­low­ing the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, Mar­tin Roe­mers pro­duced a series of pho­to­graphs of vet­er­ans from the Neth­er­lands, the United States, the United King­dom, Rus­sia and Ger­many. The pic­tures are accom­pan­ied by short inter­views. Whereas the pho­tos are unam­bigu­ous, the inter­views describe extraordin­ary indi­vidual stories.

Roe­mers explains his motiv­a­tion thus: ‘I wanted to doc­u­ment this because I was moved by these people who, sixty years on, are still so act­ively and vis­ibly involved with their past. I also feel that, after sixty years, all those involved have acquired a com­mon history.’

The images are gathered in the book ‘De einde­loze oor­log — The never-ending war’, pub­lished by QV Uitgeverij.

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