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The End

Konstantin Salomatin

Published on 19/10/11

© Kon­stantin Salomatin

Recently more and more people talk about apo­ca­lypses. There are num­bers of apo­ca­lypse scen­arios, which have already become fam­ous books and movies.

Those who refer to Maya, believe that the World will end in 2012. Sci­ent­ists also do not deny the pos­sib­il­ity of Earth col­lid­ing with a giant aster­oid or hid­den planet.
Often this idea takes a form of global mass hys­teria. Some dig bunkers and pur­chase indi­vidual armored cab­ins, some acquire land in what they believe to be sac­red places.

Accord­ing to Ortho­dox tra­di­tion, there are four places on Earth where one will sur­vive the Apo­ca­lypse: Iberia in Geor­gia, Mount Athos in Greece, Kiev-Pecherskaya Lavra in Ukraine and Serafimo-Diveevsky Mon­as­tery in Russia.

Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia. 2011 (Konstantin Salomatin)

© Kon­stantin Salomatin

This is related to a reli­gious belief that these places are blessed and pro­tec­ted by Vir­gin Mary.
Diveevo is a small set­tle­ment in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Iron­ic­ally, it is loc­ated just nearby a closed city of  Sarov ( ex-Arzamas 16), the place where the nuc­lear bomb was born.
It has been a while since some fam­il­ies in Rus­sia aban­doned their homes and lives in cit­ies and came to Diveevo Mon­as­tery. Here they seek to escape from the Apo­ca­lypse or face it in a sac­red place. They spent their days in pray­ers and do not acknow­ledge attrib­utes of mod­ern soci­ety. They strongly believe that when the end comes only the right­eous will be saved.

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