
Sacred procession

Nikita Shokhov

Published on 30/01/13

© Nikita Shokhov

- They’d bet­ter gather and build a new road.
– So untyp­ical – priests go by foot and not in the lux­ury cars.
– Is it 21 cen­tury?
– What does the dude in the the pic­ture have? iPhone or icon?
– Why are they in [mil­it­ary] camouflage?

Such out­spoken skep­ti­cism towards the church is no sur­prise in Rus­sia today.
The rel­ev­ance of church’s deeds was ques­tioned now and then for the past years, but it was  the “pussy riot” case to unveil the fact that the church was the one lack­ing tol­er­ance, inde­pend­ence from the government’s “unspoken” orders and, no doubt, any sense of humour.
The dis­pute on whether such church estab­lish­ment is to be trus­ted in some way divided the soci­ety.
Many true believ­ers aban­doned churches.
But in 2012 “kry­ost­nyi hod” — the sac­red pro­ces­sion was fol­lowed by those whose faith could not be shaken. Around 35,000 pil­grims par­ti­cip­ated in the Velikoret­sky Pro­ces­sion, held annu­ally in the Kirov Oblast, Rus­sia
(above quotes are user com­ments from redhotrussia.com, Facebook.com, twitter.com)

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