Features (not including available for Russia and CIS only)

Love Zone

Oksana Yushko

Published on 25/02/15

© Oksana Yushko

A year ago the con­flict in East­ern Ukraine has burst out heat­ing up the flames of Russian-Ukrainian feud. How­ever, the two coun­tries have always been close and not just in a polit­ical sense — almost every Rus­sian has Ukrain­ian rel­at­ives and vice versa. Oksana Yushko has decided to focus her pro­ject on love that bonds Rus­sia and Ukraine together by pic­tur­ing Russian-Ukrainian couples from both countries.

She star­ted this pro­ject with a pho­to­graph of her own par­ents: her mother is Rus­sian and her father is Ukrain­ian.
“They met and fell in love many years ago. My friends and fam­ily and I live in two worlds, in two coun­tries out­side inter­na­tional bor­ders and pre­ju­dices. Recent events have shocked us all. There are ter­rible things hap­pen­ing. But this photo series isn’t about polit­ics; it’s about people”.

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