
Inauguration Night’s Dream

Nikita Shokhov

Published on 07/05/12

© Nikita Shokhov

On Sunday May 7th, 2012 Vladi­mir Putin has been inaug­ur­ated as pres­id­ent of Rus­sia in a lav­ish cere­mony in the cap­ital of Moscow.

A protest demon­stra­tion by at least 20,000 people on the eve of Vladi­mir Putin’s inaug­ur­a­tion as pres­id­ent turned into a battle with police on Sunday after some pro­test­ers tried to split off from the approved venue and march to the Krem­lin.

The art pro­ject by pho­to­grapher Nikita Shok­hov brings Putin wan­der­ing in streets of Moscow after being kicked out of the Kremlin.

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