Features (not including available for Russia and CIS only)
Danila Tkachenko

Rus­sian and Ukrain­ian people who have opted to with­draw from con­ven­tional soci­ety and live as her­mits in isol­ated nat­ural surrounds.

Denis Sinyakov
Marusya Night Club

Marusya” is a private joy house for wealthy women. It is loc­ated in the cen­ter of Moscow.

Konstantin Salomatin
Underwater Rugby

Under­wa­ter rugby team in St.Petersburg. Russia

Varvara Lozenko
320 Icelanders

Pho­to­grapher Var­vara Lozenko ques­tioned a num­ber of Icelanders why they think their coun­try is so dif­fer­ent from any other places. The most com­mon answer was ‘Because we are so few ” So she decided to pho­to­graph 320 Icelanders by the num­ber of thou­sands of the country’s pop­u­la­tion. Every por­trait stands for 1000 people.

Vlad Krasnoshchok

Eur­omaidan. Kiev. Ukraine

Anastasia Tsayder

For pho­to­grapher Ana­stasia Tsay­der, return­ing to a small vil­lage in rural Rus­sia in 2013 brought a rush of child­hood memories.

Ed Thompson
England ‘till I die’

In 2009, Stephen Len­non A.K.A Tommy Robin­son estab­lished the Eng­lish Defense League (E.D.L). Its aim is to stop rad­ical Islam’s influ­ence in the UK.

Nikita Shokhov

Utrish is a small place near the Black sea,Russia. It is a national park. In the early 60s it became one of the favor­ite resorts for nud­ists in Soviet Union and has been wor­shiped ever since. Thou­sands of Rus­si­ans and Ukrain­i­ans come to Utrish every year.

Anastasia Tsayder
Olympic Games 1980

Up until very recently the word Olympics in Rus­sia has mainly asso­ci­ated with the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The games had a largely sym­bolic mean­ing aimed to prove the superi­or­ity of Social­ist regime. Most build­ings were designed in 1975–1978, a period still marked with optim­ism and hopes for a bright future.

Mikhail Mordasov
Sochi before the Olympics

Situ­ated on the Black Sea, the city of Sochi has long been one of the country’s most pop­u­lar resorts, an elite vaca­tion des­tin­a­tion for Soviet and present-day Rus­sian lead­ers. In Feb­ru­ary and March 2014, the city of Sochi will host the Winter Olympic and Para­lympic Games.

Misha Friedman
A dress rehearsal.

Back­stage in Bolshoi Theatre. Bolshoi dan­cers are pre­par­ing for a reg­u­lar per­form­ance of romantic Coppélia

Oksana Yushko
Balaklava: The Lost History

Bal­ak­lava is a small town by the sea in the Crimean Pen­in­sula, Ukraine. Dur­ing the Soviet era, it was a city that didn’t exist to the out­side world. The town closed to the pub­lic for more than 30 years due to the sub­mar­ine base that was situ­ated there.

Julia Lisnyak
Punks not dead

For the last few years I have been fol­low­ing the punk com­munity in St.Petersburg. One would say that punks look the same every­where, but in today’s Rus­sia being dif­fer­ent in any way takes a lot of cour­age. Unfor­tu­nately, recently St.Petersburg has become a cen­ter of this bigotry.

Andras Fekete
Protest in Moscow after Navalny Conviction

People protest against the court ver­dict sen­ten­cing Rus­sian oppos­i­tion leader Alexei Navalny to 5 years in jail.

Olga Kravets
Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechnya

The pho­to­grapher Olga Kravets star­ted work­ing in Chechnya in 2009 with a col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject explor­ing the after­math of war in its cap­ital. In 2013 she decided to go bey­ond the city bound­ar­ies and show the whole repub­lic under the ubi­quit­ous power of its author­it­arian leader

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