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Gates of Palestine

Filippo Mutani

Published on 26/09/11

© Fil­ippo Mutani

Since the time of build­ing the wall that divides Israel from Palestine, mostly illegal because built on Palestinian ter­rit­ory, a great deal of Israeli occu­pa­tion strategy seems to be lying in immob­il­iz­ing Palestini­ans in their homes through­out bar­ri­ers, gates, illegal Jew­ish set­tle­ments in Palestinian ter­rit­ory and fly­ing check­points.
As a res­ult of this very elab­or­ate strategy, life for Palestini­ans has become more and more dif­fi­cult and Palestine itself is becom­ing a puzzle of ghet­tos which res­id­ents find a hard time to leave. Byz­antine bur­eau­cracy in releas­ing per­mits, wait­ing for hours at the check­points at impossible hours, being rejec­ted for unknown reas­ons, makes it very dif­fi­cult to go to work in the morn­ing, to cul­tiv­ate lands, to run a busi­ness, to go to meet rel­at­ives, to go to mosque, to live a nor­mal life.
UN and the inter­na­tional human­it­arian asso­ci­ations are mon­it­or­ing the situ­ation and recent stud­ies state that Palestinian civil rights are viol­ated on a daily basis, com­par­ing their liv­ing stand­ards to the ones of the black people, dur­ing apartheid in South Africa.

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